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Here are some articles from the blog, you can use it as a blog or news. The articles are sorted by article date in descending order so the most recent ones show first.

6 Tips for Navigating Obstacles on the Road to Your Goals

One thing you can expect to happen when you’re working towards your goals is encountering obstacles along the way. Whatever it is, know that obstacles are part of the process. And while you cannot predict what will happen, it is all in your power to adequately prepare for it.

The Rhythm of Productivity: How to Determine Your Peak Productive Hours

Energy, just like time, is a limited resource and therefore should be used just as wisely. Throughout the day, your productivity levels fluctuate. You may be more active in the morning or are better focused at night, hence why you often hear people referring to themselves as “early birds” or “night owls”.

How to Plan Your Week: A Step-by-Step Guide

While we can't predict the future, we can certainly plan for it. This has been a valuable mantra for me over the years. As an Agile coach, I often encourage my students to develop a habit of planning ahead.