3 Things You Can Do to Be Organized

Being organized is not just for busy people. It’s a way of life that when maintained, can help you cope well with stress, be more productive, and improve your overall well-being. 

Staying organized doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but with a little practice, you'll wonder how you ever managed before.

Here are three simple things you can do to build the habit of getting and staying organized. 

Write down your To-Dos 

Having too many things to keep track of in your head causes your mind to become restless. If you don’t unload this mental stress, it can quickly upset the quality of your sleep and affect your ability to focus. 

By simply writing your own To-Do list, you can avoid mental overload. 

A To-Do list is basically just a list of tasks that you need to complete in a given day, week, or month, and ordered by priority. 

Writing a To-Do list eases the pressure on your brain to keep track of multiple things at the same time so you can focus instead on getting things done. 

The most effective time to write your To-Do list is early in the morning before you start your day or at night before you go to bed.

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Set up a routine 

A routine is any series of tasks that you perform regularly. For example, after you wake up in the morning, you might like to have a cup of coffee and relax first before you review your emails for the day. Before going to sleep, you might like to spend 5 minutes writing in a gratitude journal. 

These activities may seem repetitive, but they provide the person with a feeling of stability and peace of mind. 

After all, wouldn’t it be nice to wake up knowing you already know exactly what you need to do for the day? So much of our anxiety stems from being uncertain about life. Routines serve as anchors, training the brain to find comfort in the familiar. 

Try setting up a routine that works for you! It doesn’t have to be overly rigid — you don’t exactly have to account for every hour of your day. 

And most importantly, don’t be too hard on yourself if you can't follow your schedule for a day or two. What counts is to get right back into it.

Related: How to Remember Small Tasks

Break down complex tasks 

Most people avoid doing something because they don’t know where to start. This applies to almost every aspect in life: planning a holiday vacation, filing an insurance claim, preparing presentation slides, the list is endless. 

Here’s an analogy that helps: 

If you keep looking up at the mountain, you will be too intimidated to take a step. The best thing to do is to take your eyes off the peak and start looking at the first 100 meters...and then the next 100, and the next 100 after that. Before you know it, you’re already halfway to the summit! 

So, the next time you encounter a daunting task, try to ask yourself: “What steps do I need to take to get to the top?” Breaking down a complex project and focusing on the one thing you can get done instead of trying to tackle everything all at once will help you feel empowered and able to take on anything. 

Organize your life in one place 

Breaking down complicated tasks is even simpler with a tool to manage everything you need to do in one platform. 

TaskSpur is a goal management app you can use to organize your day in less than 5 minutes. Start with a goal and add all the tasks that you need to do to get it done. TaskSpur will automatically show you your To Do on the day they’re scheduled. It’s pretty nifty. 
Check it out! 

Download TaskSpur on Android | Download TaskSpur on your iPhone

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