6 Time Management Skills for the Insanely Busy

A skill is an ability one learns through repetitive and deliberate practice. To be skillful in something is to complete it with a high level of proficiency. Almost everything in life requires skill whether that’s driving to work, writing an email, or even taking care of a houseplant. At work, the skills required to do things well go beyond one’s job description. Even more so if you are juggling multiple things at once.

One of the most important skills a busy professional needs to learn is time management. Knowing how to manage time well allows one to not only get the important things done but also make sure that one’s personal life is not compromised in the process.

Time management is a complex skill that involves a combination of strategies and habits. 

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To plan is to take charge of the future. Planning is the process of knowing what you want and figuring out how to get there. Instead of going with the flow, you’re consciously making choices for your future self to make sure everything you do moving forward contributes to your overall goal progress.

There are several key steps to planning effectively.

  • Step 1: Write down goals: It’s not as straightforward as you think. You cannot simply write down the first thing that comes to mind. A good goal needs to be as specific as possible, measurable so that you’ll know when you have achieved it, achievable meaning you have the resources (or the possibility of obtaining such resources) to achieve it, relevant or aligned to your core values, and time-bound or set on a deadline.
  • Step 2: Assess potential challenges and limitations: Anticipate possible bumps on the road, what you can do to mitigate them, and what you need to do in case they do happen.
  • Step 3: Break down goals into tasks: Make big goals less intimidating by simplifying them into actionable tasks that you can tackle individually with ease. 
  • Step 4: Schedule tasks: Set a deadline for each task to make sure you complete everything by the goal’s due date.
  • Step 5: Review regularly: Consistently review your progress. You may do daily, weekly, and/or monthly check-ins to see if you’re on track, and assess what should be improved and maintained.
  • Step 6: Figure out how to stay on track: The most challenging part of achieving any goal is to maintain momentum. There are ways to stay motivated. What works for one person may not be as effective for others. These include practicing cognitive restructuring, creating a vision board, and enlisting the help of an accountability partner to help you keep your commitments.

Related: How To Take Care of Yourself (Even When Always Busy)


As a busy professional, being a master at prioritization will help you meet deadlines, manage workloads, and achieve organizational or business objectives. 

Prioritizing requires being able to identify key objectives, set realistic goals based on those objectives, assess the value of each task under those goals, and make difficult decisions as to which tasks can be delegated or postponed.

As a skill, being able to prioritize might seem like a pretty straightforward thing to learn but it still requires practice to do well.

This skill is what you can rely on to keep you grounded and centered in the midst of life's chaos. Learning to choose yourself first may seem selfish at first but you will eventually realize that it's the best strategy to prevent burnout. Find creative ways to apply a "self-care first" philosophy in your day-to-day life, even when you're constantly insanely busy.  


Constantly managing a huge workload makes it necessary to be able to delegate some of the tasks on your plate.

On the outside, delegating might seem to be as simple as assigning tasks to someone else. But the process requires properly delegating a task so that the ultimate objective is met with high certainty and takes serious skill.

To delegate well, you need to be able to identify which tasks or responsibilities can be given to others, select the right person for the job, effectively communicate expectations and instructions, trust in others’ abilities, and have the willingness to relinquish one’s control over certain aspects of the task or project.

When you master the skill of proper delegation, you will reap the benefits of increased efficiency and productivity, and more time to focus on higher-level tasks.


The first and greatest victory is to conquer self. - Plato

Self-discipline means being able to control one’s impulses, emotions, and behavior in order to achieve a goal or task. When you are in command of yourself, you will be better able to cope with the overwhelming demands of your career life.

Mastering self-discipline, first of all, requires a certain level of self-awareness or understanding of oneself and the willingness to admit one’s need to change. 

There is no one-fits-all strategy for improving self-discipline but you can practice it by setting clear goals, building good habits, reframing failures, finding your motivation, using positive self-talk, and seeking support from others.


Problem-solving is a useful skill to learn not just for work but for all aspects of life. It requires identifying and defining the problem, gathering information about the problem, analyzing and evaluating potential solutions, and choosing the best course of action to solve the issue.

When you have a process set in place, approaching any challenge or issue at work wouldn’t be as daunting.

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In the context of time management, the ability to communicate well helps mitigate any misunderstandings, helping keep processes more efficient.

As a skill, communicating well involves mastering verbal and nonverbal cues such as tone of voice, body language, facial expressions, and written or spoken language. It also requires active listening, empathy, tact, and the ability to adjust your communication style to suit different situations and audiences.

You can improve your communication skills by practicing active listening, using clear and concise language when you speak, being aware of your nonverbal cues, and practicing open-mindedness and empathy.


Time management is a skill that requires self-mastery, quick decision-making, effective communication, and the ability to delegate when necessary. It also requires the tenacity to stick to proven strategies for solving problems, and like any skill, it takes practice to improve. However, if you're a high achiever looking to maximize your potential for success, mastering time management is a personal investment that pays off significantly.

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Related: How To Take Care of Yourself (Even When Always Busy)
