[GUIDE] 365 Days of Journal Prompts for Personal Growth & Self-Reflection

Introspection is the cornerstone of a well-examined life. If you’re on a journey of self-improvement, shifting your focus inwards is a well-endorsed activity to achieve your end goal. The good news is it can be done through something as simple as putting down your thoughts on paper. In fact, journaling is a highly-recommended tool for a meaningful life. 

On days when you don’t know what to write about, it can be helpful to have some guidance. In this article, I’m sharing 365 journal prompts, one for each day of the year, to help you answer some of the deeper questions about yourself. Happy journaling! 

1. What's a personal belief that you've questioned recently? What prompted this questioning?  

2. Describe a time when you felt truly confident. What contributed to that feeling?  

3. What emotion are you most uncomfortable feeling? Why do you think that is? 

4. Describe a moment when you felt truly humbled. What caused this feeling? 

5. Describe how your interests have changed over time. 

6. What’s something from your past that you feel you are still hung up on? 

7. What's a personal strength of yours that sometimes acts as a weakness? 

8. What's a fear you've conquered that you're particularly proud of overcoming?  

9. Write your bucket list. If you already have a list, update it. 

10. Is it easy for you to make friends? Why or why not? 

11. What's a childhood dream you still hold on to? How has it evolved as you've grown older?  

12. What's a piece of advice you wish you had followed earlier in life?  

13. What's a personal trait you've inherited that you're grateful for?  

14. Describe a moment when you felt completely understood by someone. What made it special? 

15. Describe a time when you had to make a sacrifice for something you believed in. Was it worth it? 

16. What are the ways you show love to yourself? 

17. What's a part of your identity that you're still exploring or questioning? 

18. How would you like to die? 

19. If you could attend one world-famous festival, what would it be and why? 

20. What is your favorite silly joke or pun? 

21. What's a goal you're working towards right now? What steps are you taking to achieve it? 

22. What self-care routine or habit is a non-negotiable for you? 

23. What has been the most challenging experience of your life? 

24. What’s something you will do if you don’t have to worry about money? 

25. Who is your favorite person and why? 

26. What's a personal flaw you've learned to embrace? How has accepting it benefited you?  

27. Are you more comfortable alone or with other people? Why do you think so? 

28. If you could have a one-hour conversation with any expert, who would it be and what would you ask? 

29. What's a fear you've developed as you've gotten older? Where do you think it comes from?

Image by Alina Vilchenko on Pexels

30. Do you like people in general? Elaborate on your answer. 

31. What’s one thing you will always remember about your father? 

32. What's a part of your daily routine that you find grounding or comforting, especially during stressful times? 

33. Describe a time when you had to confront a fear head-on. What was the outcome? 

34. Who are the most interesting people you’ve met? 

35. What if you win the lottery? How would your life change? 

36. What 10 words would you use to describe yourself? 

37. What is the dominant emotion in your life right now? 

38. List three things you like most about yourself and elaborate on each of them. 

39. What's a compliment you'd like to be able to give yourself honestly?  

40. What's a part of your identity that you feel has been shaped by your generation?  

41. Finish this sentence: “People don’t know that_____.” Expound on it. 

42. What is something in life you believe is worth fighting for? 

43. What’s the best thing about being single/in a relationship? 

44. Describe a moment when you felt truly inspired by someone else's actions. What moved you? 

45. What’s your favorite color and why? 

46. What has been the most terrifying moment of your life? 

47. What is your favorite word or phrase? Why do you love it? 

48. How do you spend your leisure time? 

49. Who do you trust the most in the world? 

50. What are your best and worst traits? 

51. If you could meet yourself, would you like them? 

52. What’s an interesting fact that you learned recently? 

53. If you could have any question answered with absolute certainty, what would you ask? 

54. Have you ever experienced grief? If so, how did you deal with it? If not, how do you think you will cope with it?

Image by Zachary DeBottis on Pexels

55. What’s one skill you’d like to master? 

56. Describe a time when you had to stand up for someone else. How did it make you feel?  

57. Would you describe yourself as an emotional or a logical person? 

58. What's a skill you'd like to improve? How can you work on it?  

59. What do you like most about humanity? 

60. Reflect on this quote: “We see things not as they are but as we are.” – Anais Nin. 

61. If you could be mentored by anyone in the world, who would you choose and why? 

62. Who was your best friend in elementary school? What did you love about them? 

63. Who are the people you are closest with? 

64. What personal challenge have you faced recently? 

65. What are your hobbies and interests and what do they say about your passion and priorities? 

66. What is the worst lie you’ve ever told? 

67. What's a part of your routine that you've recently added to promote personal growth? 

68. What is your favorite movie and why? 

69. What's a lesson you've learned about relationships that you wish you had known earlier?  

70. What’s one thing you learned in school that you still remember to this day? 

71. What is something you've always wanted to try but haven't yet? What's holding you back?  

72. Reflect on this quote: “If you feel pain, you’re alive. If you feel other people’s pain, you’re a human being.” – Leo Tolstoy 

73. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? 

74. How do you think your job would change five, ten years from now? 

75. What is the best way to spend a rainy day? 

76. What's a habit you've tried to develop multiple times but struggled with? What makes it challenging? 

77. What is your earliest memory? 

78. Do you find work fulfilling? Why or why not? 

79. If you could have a conversation with your future self, what questions would you ask?  

80. What did you enjoy most about school? What was your favorite subject as a child? 

81. If your pet could write an entry about you, what would they say? 

82. What are your insecurities? Why do you think that is? 

83. What quality do you like most in a man/woman? 

Image by Hayley Murray on Unsplash 

84. Describe a moment when you felt truly empowered. What circumstances led to this feeling? 

85. What is the thing you love most about your family? Elaborate on your answer. 

86. What's something you have learned about yourself in the past year?  

87. Have you ever had to change your opinion about someone? What prompted it? 

88. Describe your ideal first date. 

89. What's a belief you held strongly in the past that you have since changed your mind about?  

90. Do you think you are a creative person? Why or why not? 

91. Do you want to have children? Why or why not? 

92. Who is someone from your past that you miss? 

93. What’s one topic you love to discuss about? 

94. What things make you feel confident? 

95. Describe a time when you had to admit you were wrong. How did it affect you? 

96. What traits would you like to have in a romantic partner? 

97. What's a lifestyle change you would like to make? What's the first step you can take towards it?  

98. How do you feel about lying? 

99. What’s one activity that when you do it, you seem to lose track of time? 

100. What's a personal value that has become more important to you as you've grown older? 

101. Describe a time you got lost (literally or figuratively). 

102. What is your favorite meal and why? 

103. What's a recent experience that changed your perspective on something important to you?  

104. What does an ideal life look like? 

105. What are you doing right now that will benefit the 70-year-old you? 

106. Reflect on this quote: “Action reflects priorities.” – Mahatma Gandhi 

107. Close your eyes and listen. What do you hear? Observe and write them down. Expand, if necessary. 

108. Do you think your life is directed by fear, ambition, or something else? 

109. What's a personal flaw that you're working on accepting?  

110. If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you discuss?  

111. What is your love language? 

112. What value do you think is underrated (e.g. respect, integrity, etc.)? 

113. Describe your ideal holiday. 

114. What makes you glad to be alive in this day and age? 

115. What do you want your future children to learn from you? 

116. What do you like most about your work/studies? 

117. What are the most defining moments of your life so far? 

118. What's a skill you have that you are proud of? How did you develop it?  

Image by Darius Bashar on Unpslash

119. If you could change one decision from your past, what would it be and why? 

120. What will you never do as a parent? 

121. What’s one quote or saying that inspires you? 

122. If your life could represent one virtue, what would it be (e.g. passion, loyalty, etc.) Expound on your answer. 

123. Who are you the happiest with? 

124. What is your most treasured possession? 

125. What is your favorite way of consuming art (e.g. movies, music, visual art, etc.)? Why? 

126. What things do you regret not doing sooner? 

127. Do you prefer to work at night or in the day? Why? 

128. What do you like most about living in your country? 

129. What’s three things about yourself you want people to know? 

130. What do you love most about your body? 

131. What foreign culture interests you the most and why? 

132. Describe a time when you had to be brutally honest with yourself. What did you realize? 

133. What personal motto or mantra do you live by?  

134. What's a belief about learning or education that has changed as you've grown older?  

135. If you could have a conversation with your 10-year-old self, what advice would you give? 

136. Can you say you are a good friend to yourself? 

137. If you had to teach something, what would it be and why?  

138. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? 

139. Describe your ideal day from start to finish. 

140. What talents/skills do you have that people don’t know about? 

141. Describe a time when you had to let go (of something or someone). 

142. What app on your phone do you use the most? 

143. What's a part of your identity that you feel has been shaped by adversity?  

144. Do you like your father? Elaborate on your answer. 

145. What is your saddest memory? 

146. How would you like to celebrate your next birthday? 

147. What’s your favorite type of food? 

148. Who was your favorite teacher/mentor? 

149. What's a fear you've developed that you recognize as a response to past experiences?  

150. Who is your oldest friend? What do you love about them? 

151. What's a personal belief that you find difficult to explain to others?  

152. If you can live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be and why? 

153. Complete this sentence: “I cannot live without________________.”

Image by Dahee Son on Unsplash 

154. What’s a holiday tradition you look forward to the most every year? 

155. Write a letter to your past self. 

156. What part of your personal heritage would you like to preserve? 

157. What's a book, movie, or song that changed your perspective on something? Describe its impact on you.  

158. Write a fan letter to your favorite actor/artist. 

159. What's a personal quirk or habit that makes you unique? 

160. What three things are you most looking forward to at the moment? 

161. What is your favorite feeling? 

162. What's a compliment you find difficult to accept? Why do you think that is?  

163. Do you think you have a solid support system? Elaborate on your answer. 

164. What's a life lesson you've learned that you wish you could share with everyone? 

165. What’s a name you would like to have if you can change yours? What makes it special? 

166. Describe your favorite childhood toy. 

167. What's a personal belief that you find difficult to live up to consistently?  

168. Who’s someone you’re grateful to have in your life? 

169. Describe a time when you had to admit you needed help. How did this experience change you? 

170. Describe a moment when you’ve felt angry. What contributed to those feelings? 

171. What's a part of your identity that you're particularly proud of?  

172. What's a belief about success that you've had to reconsider as you've grown older?  

173. What is your opinion on lying? 

174. What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done so far? 

175. What is your favorite TV show so far and why? 

176. What is your favorite movie and why? 

177. List 10 places on Earth you’d like to visit one day. 

178. Do you like surprises? Why or why not? 

179. What are three things you are grateful for this week? 

180. What's a belief about health or wellness that you've recently changed? What prompted this shift?  

181. What's a personal accomplishment that you don't often share with others? Why is it significant to you? 

182. Describe a time when you felt truly proud of yourself. 

183. Describe a moment when you felt completely out of your comfort zone but pushed through anyway. 

184. What’s the best piece of advice someone has given you? 

185. What would you do if you could live a day without consequences? 

Image by Volker Meyer on Pexels 

186. What's a fear you've developed that you recognize as irrational? Where do you think it stems from? 

187. What's the most important lesson you've learned about yourself? 

188. Describe the community you grew up in. 

189. Have you been in love? If not, do you believe in love? 

190. What's a small, everyday pleasure that you're grateful for?  

191. If you were to improve something in your current life, what would it be? 

192. Describe a major turning point in your life. 

193. What's a personal belief that you've recently adopted? What led to this new perspective? 

194. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and what would you do? 

195. When do you feel most loved? 

196. How do you feel right now about aging? 

197. How does social media affect your view of yourself? 

198. What's a part of your identity that you feel is still evolving or being defined?  

199. What's a personal goal you've been procrastinating on? Why do you think you're avoiding it? 

200. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?  

201. How do you comfort yourself in a distressing situation? 

202. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. How did you approach it?  

203. When was the last time you felt excited about something? What is it about? 

204. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?  

205. What do you think are the most important jobs in the world? List three and explain why you think so. 

206. What's a personal value that you find challenging to uphold in your professional life?  

207. If you could start a non-profit organization, what cause would it support and why?  

208. What’s one thing that makes life worth living? 

209. What is your favorite photograph? What makes it special? 

210. List the things you would absolutely say “Yes” to. 

211. What's a personal strength that you feel has been developed through overcoming challenges? 

212. Write a love letter to yourself. 

213. What three things would you do if you weren’t afraid? 

214. How did you spend your free time as a child? 

215. Do you feel connected to your community? Elaborate on your answer. 

216. If you could become fluent in any language, which would it be and why? 

217. What makes you laugh? 

Image by Aleksander Balandin on Pexels 

218. When was the last time you felt completely at peace? What contributed to that feeling? 

219. What's a lesson you've learned from a failure that you're grateful for now?  

220. What's a personal strength that you hope to pass on to others or be remembered for? 

221. What is an unpopular opinion that you believe? 

222. Who are your role models growing up? How have they shaped who you are right now? 

223. What's a personal challenge you're currently facing? How can you approach it with a growth mindset? 

224. What’s something you’ve learned this week/month? 

225. What's a skill you've always admired in others that you'd like to develop for yourself? 

226. What do you do when you’re angry? 

227. What are the top qualities you want in a friend? 

228. List the things you are grateful for in this life. 

229. Do you think people change? Expound on your answer. 

230. Describe your favorite childhood memory? 

231. If you could do anything tomorrow, what would it be? 

232. Do you see yourself in the same job in 5 years? 10 years? Where would you like to be, professionally, within that timeframe? 

233. What's a belief you hold about yourself that might be limiting your potential? 

234. Reflect on this quote: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin 

235. Have you ever felt humiliated? How would you describe the experience? 

236. Describe your perfect weekend. 

237. What are your pet peeves? Why do you think they affect you so much? 

238. Write about your most important relationships right now. 

239. What's a personal strength that you feel is underutilized in your current life situation? 

240. Do you believe in a higher being? Why or why not? 

241. Describe a place that holds special meaning for you. Why makes this place special?  

242. What's a habit you've successfully broken? How did you manage to do it?  

243. Who is one person (dead or alive) you find most interesting? 

244. What is your favorite book/game/any form of art and why? 

245. Write three things you have learned from a treasured relationship (previous or current). 

246. What's a personal value that you find easiest to uphold? Why do you think that is? 

247. If you could have a deep conversation with any fictional character, who would it be and what would you discuss about?  

Image by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash 

248. What is your most common type of dream? 

249. What is something you are really good at? 

250. If you could spend a day in someone else's shoes, whose and why?  

251. Describe a time when you had to compromise on something important. How did you handle it?  

252. Do you think your actions are aligned with your behaviors? Expound on your answer. 

253. Who is your personal hero? In what ways do they inspire you? 

254. What do you most look forward to in the future? 

255. What challenges did you face as a child? 

256. What’s one goal you want to achieve by the end of this year? 

257. Who do you turn to for support? What makes them feel like you can rely on them? 

258. How would you like to make this world a better place? 

259. What was your favorite cartoon show? Why did you love them so much? 

260. What do you need more in life? 

261. What one simple thing you can do during the day that instantly makes you feel good about yourself? 

262. Describe your personality. 

263. What's a personal boundary you've successfully established? 

264. Describe your ideal evening. 

265. Have you ever had to forgive someone? Elaborate on your answer. 

266. How have your childhood experiences impacted your life as an adult? 

267. Describe your music taste. 

268. Describe your communication style. 

269. What's a relationship in your life that you would like to improve? How can you nurture it?  

270. What’s one solid piece of advice you can give to others right now? 

271. Write about your first job. 

272. Do you think you are a good communicator? If not, how do you plan to improve it? 

273. What is your favorite time of the day? Why? 

274. What things do you consider your biggest distractions right now? 

275. What’s the best decision you’ve ever made in life so far? 

276. What's a lesson you've learned from a mistake you've made? 

277. Describe a time when you had to be vulnerable.  

278. What's a personal quirk that you've come to appreciate about yourself? 

279. Where do you find inspiration and motivation? 

280. Describe your ideal place to live. 

Image by Taras Marakenko on Pexels 

281. What is your favorite dessert and why? 

282. Describe a time when you faced rejection. How did you handle it?

283. What’s one experience you want to give yourself this year? 

284. Do you think you have a good work ethic? Elaborate on your answer. 

285. What is your favorite city in the world and why? 

286. Which of the four elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire) do you identify with? Why? 

287. What's a fear you'd like to conquer? What small step can you take towards facing it?  

288. What’s something you wish people would do more? 

289. How does your physical appearance shape your identity? 

290. What do you regret the most? 

291. Write a letter to someone you need to ask forgiveness from. 

292. Do you feel guilt or shame for anything? Expound on your answer. 

293. If you could instantly become fluent in the language of any animal, which would you choose and why? 

294. What activities drain your energy? How do you deal with them? 

295. What is your favorite song? What makes this one special for you? 

296. What’s a compliment you would give to yourself and why? 

297. Who do you have the utmost respect for? 

298. What are three things you always take with you when you go out? 

299. Describe the last dream you remember. What do you think it means? 

300. What's a fear you have overcome? How did you do it?  

301. What's a personal boundary you need to set or reinforce?  

302. What's a personal value that you find challenging to uphold in today's world? 

303. Describe your personal philosophy.

304. What emotion are you feeling right now? Write down any that comes to mind, no matter how small they seem. Do you think this is a positive or negative emotion? Elaborate on your answer. 

305. What key experiences have shaped who you are today? 

306. Write a letter to someone you need to forgive. 

307. What’s the worst thing that can happen if you face your fear? Reflect on your answer. 

308. If you could instantly become an expert in any field, what would it be and why? 

309. What is something you think the world needs more of right now? 

Image by Leah Newhouse on Pexels 

310. What's a character trait you admire in others? How can you develop it in yourself? 

311. Do you consider yourself resilient? If not, do you think it’s a quality worth cultivating? Explain further. 

312. How do you feel about death? 

313. If you could solve one global problem, what would it be and why?  

314. List the things you would absolutely say “No” to. 

315. What is a personal value that you refuse to compromise on? Why is it so important to you?  

316. What do you need to forgive yourself for? 

317. What's a piece of criticism you've received that was difficult to hear but ultimately helpful?  

318. Has your definition of success changed over time? Elaborate on your answer. 

319. What are the ways that you show kindness to yourself? 

320. Describe a person who has had a significant positive impact on your life. What did you learn from them?  

321. What makes each of your family members unique? 

322. So far, what things in life have surprised you the most? 

323. What's a lesson you've learned about self-care that has significantly improved your well-being?  

324. Do you like your “friends”? 

325. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why? 

326. If a friend of yours would describe you, what would they say? 

327. What would you like to be remembered for? 

328. In which aspects of your life do you feel stuck? Reflect on your answer. 

329. What's a dream or aspiration you've been hesitant to pursue? What's holding you back? 

330. Do you think you have changed in the last five years? Do you think you will change in the next five years? Reflect on your answer. 

331. What's a personal belief about money or success that you've had to reconsider?

332. What was so noteworthy about being raised by your mother? 

333. What is your favorite season and why? 

334. Do you allow yourself to feel difficult emotions or do you suppress them? Why do you think that is? 

335. Who’s one fictional character you identify with the most? Why? 

336. What's a personal quirk that others have pointed out to you? How do you feel about it? 

337. What personal belief do you feel you have that has been strengthened by your personal relationships? 

Image by Samuel Clara on Unsplash 

338. What's a personal goal you've achieved that you're particularly proud of? Expound on it. 

339. When was the last time you felt completely in awe of something? What inspired that feeling? 

340. What's a compliment you have received that stuck with you? Why was it meaningful?  

341. What is a personal accomplishment you don't give yourself enough credit for? 

342. What is your dream job? 

343. Do you think you are open to criticism? Why or why not? 

344. What’s something from your life you would like to forget and why? 

345. Do you consider yourself someone with self-discipline? Elaborate on your answer. 

346. Write about your first crush. 

347. Do you like your mother? Why or why not? 

348. What do you struggle the most with in your relationships? 

349. What do you desire the most in this life? 

350. Are you excited or fearful about the future? 

351. What parts of yourself do you feel like you hide from others? 

352. What's a belief about personal growth that you've recently challenged or changed?  

353. What's a personal belief about happiness that has changed as you've grown older?  

354. Would you retire in your home country or somewhere else? Why? 

356. Where are you the happiest? 

357. Write a letter to your future self. 

358. What makes your life right now perfect as it is? 

359. What's a belief about relationships that you've had to adjust as you've matured?  

360. What's a personal challenge you've faced that you're grateful for in retrospect? 

361. How do you de-stress? 

362. What things did you need to unlearn? 

362. What's a prejudice or bias you have come to recognize in yourself? How are you working to overcome it?  

363. How do you deal with self-doubt? 

364. What is your main priority in life at the moment? How are you working towards it? 

365. Describe a time when you had to stand up for yourself. How did it make you feel?

About the Author

Bernard Boodeea is the CEO of Life Intelligence Group and the original engineer and founder of TaskSpur, a goal management app and passion project. Bernard hopes to incorporate agile principles into the design of products that help individuals achieve their goals in life. 

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