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Here are some articles from the blog, you can use it as a blog or news. The articles are sorted by article date in descending order so the most recent ones show first.

The GROW Model: A Powerful Framework for Goal Setting

The GROW Model is a renowned goal-setting and problem-solving framework developed in the late 1980s by Alan Fine, Sir John Whitmore, and Graham Alexander. GROW is an acronym that stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will.

What is Temptation Bundling: An Unconventional Strategy to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is hard to overcome because it’s a battle of will. But not all hope is lost. When sheer will fails, that’s when a good strategy comes in handy.

What are WISE Goals: A Comprehensive Guide

In the context of goal setting, the right strategy can be as important as the goal itself. You may be familiar with the SMART approach — Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, & Time-Bound. But a newer approach called WISE goals, is gaining traction for its focus on personal meaning and sustained motivation.