Forget Vision Boards, Try AI Goal Setting

Vision boards have long been our go-to tool for keeping our goals in sight, evoking those feel-good emotions about our future, and helping us gain clarity about what truly matters. But what if I told you there's a way to not just visualize your dreams, but immediately start working toward them?

You Can Now Ask AI to Do Stuff for You on Your Computer

Imagine if you can hire a low-level assistant who can do simple day-to-day tasks for you. Stuff like planning trips, researching a topic, or coding basic scripts. With Claude’s new Computer use feature, you can now do exactly that - with AI.

Work Ethics: Master the Core Principles of Professional Success

Success isn't just about skills and qualifications—it's about how you approach your work. Work ethics, the cornerstone of professional excellence, can be the defining factor that sets you apart from your peers and propels your career forward.

GPT Chat Prompts: A Beginner's Guide to Getting the Most Out of AI

In an era where artificial intelligence is revolutionizing how we work and create, mastering GPT chat prompts has become an invaluable skill. But what exactly makes a good prompt, and how can you harness the full potential of AI assistants?

The Science of Health Goals: Why They Matter & How to Set

In our quest for a healthier lifestyle, we often hear about the importance of setting health goals. But what exactly makes these goals so crucial, and how can we set them effectively? Let's dive into the science behind health goals and explore why they matter and how to set them for maximum impact.

What are Fast Goals: Definition, Examples, and Implementation

FAST goal setting is a revolutionary approach that's transforming how companies and individuals set and pursue their objectives. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of FAST goals, exploring their definition, providing examples, and discussing how to implement them effectively.

Try or Die: How to Keep Up in the Age of Generative AI

In the blink of an eye, the world has changed. Generative AI has emerged as a force so powerful, it's reshaping industries, redefining job roles, and revolutionizing the way we work. The question is no longer whether AI will impact your career—it's how quickly you can adapt to survive and thrive in this new landscape.

67 Money Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Health & Your Wallet

If you’re looking for ways to save money, you might want to start hacking at habits that are not only draining your wallet but also sabotaging your physical fitness. Some of these habits (like smoking) are obvious but many are seemingly harmless but have devastating long-term consequences.

The GROW Model: A Powerful Framework for Goal Setting

The GROW Model is a renowned goal-setting and problem-solving framework developed in the late 1980s by Alan Fine, Sir John Whitmore, and Graham Alexander. GROW is an acronym that stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will.

What is Temptation Bundling: An Unconventional Strategy to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is hard to overcome because it’s a battle of will. But not all hope is lost. When sheer will fails, that’s when a good strategy comes in handy.

What are WISE Goals: A Comprehensive Guide

In the context of goal setting, the right strategy can be as important as the goal itself. You may be familiar with the SMART approach — Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, & Time-Bound. But a newer approach called WISE goals, is gaining traction for its focus on personal meaning and sustained motivation.

The Pomodoro Technique: Simplified

If you are someone struggling with distractions and want to improve your concentration and focus, the Pomodoro technique is perfect for you. Here’s how it works.

What is Time Blocking?

Time blocking is time management technique of scheduling specific blocks of time for specific activities in a given day. Instead of writing a to-do list where the focus is the task, time blocking emphasizes how long each task is going to take.

[GUIDE] How to Set Personal Goals to Live Life Your Way

Personal goals should not be secondary to work or career; these are goals we set for ourselves — the goals that show us how we would like to live. So how do you set personal goals for yourself?

[GUIDE] How to Make a Proper Career Transition

Changing careers is a big decision but it can be overwhelming when you don’t know where to begin. This guide is written especially to help you out on this journey.

[GUIDE] 365 Days of Journal Prompts for Personal Growth & Self-Reflection

Introspection is the cornerstone of a well-examined life. If you’re on a journey of self-improvement, shifting your focus inwards is a well-endorsed activity to achieve your end goal.

Why You Might Want to Keep Your Goals to Yourself

When setting a new goal for yourself, it can be tempting to tell others about it and hope they’ll cheer you on. But is it really wise to do that?

How to Be Productive in One Week

The concept that life is finite is really put into perspective when you lay out the average number of weeks in a human’s life. According to Wait But Why, the average person lives for about 4,732 weeks. Here’s what that looks like.

7 Toxic Habits You Need to Let Go If You Work from Home

Working remotely offers flexibility, but it's easy to fall into unproductive patterns when the office is just a click away. Ditch these toxic habits: staying in pajamas all day, letting distractions rule, neglecting to take breaks, and blurring work-life boundaries.

Presenteeism in the Modern Workplace: What Managers Need to Know

Presenteeism costs the economy $150 billion every year — even worse than its more popular counterpart, absenteeism. But what exactly is it and what can we do about it?

56 Ideas to Add to Your Career Bucket List

Everyone’s heard of a personal bucket list but what about a career bucket list? Your work life, just like your personal life, is going to take up a significant portion of your lifetime. It makes sense to aim to make it as rich and full as your life outside your job.

Back to Basics: 5 Old-Fashioned Habits are Timeless

There’s a tinge of dismissal to the word “old-fashioned.” Old-fashioned sounds outdated, obsolete, no longer relevant. But I believe when it comes to habits, there are some that I consider timeless.

5 Actionable Tips to Help You Stick to Your Health Goals

Being consistent and sustaining one’s motivation is an understandable challenge when sticking to one’s commitment to be fit. But it’s far from impossible. You too, can follow many others who have committed and followed through on their fitness goals.

6 Tips for Navigating Obstacles on the Road to Your Goals

One thing you can expect to happen when you’re working towards your goals is encountering obstacles along the way. Whatever it is, know that obstacles are part of the process. And while you cannot predict what will happen, it is all in your power to adequately prepare for it.

The Rhythm of Productivity: How to Determine Your Peak Productive Hours

Energy, just like time, is a limited resource and therefore should be used just as wisely. Throughout the day, your productivity levels fluctuate. You may be more active in the morning or are better focused at night, hence why you often hear people referring to themselves as “early birds” or “night owls”.

How to Plan Your Week: A Step-by-Step Guide

While we can't predict the future, we can certainly plan for it. This has been a valuable mantra for me over the years. As an Agile coach, I often encourage my students to develop a habit of planning ahead.

Useful Habits: 20 Daily Goals That Lead to Lasting Change (Part 3)

Habits are deeply ingrained patterns of behavior that we perform automatically in response to specific cues or triggers. These triggers can be actions, objects, or environments that signal our brains to engage in a particular action. In this third installment of our four-part series on habits, we will explore five more habits that can lead to lasting positive change in your life.

8 Different Methods of Motivation to Supercharge Your Life

If we’re honest, most of us have a pretty good idea about what it takes to live life well — develop healthy habits, keep a positive attitude, put in the work, etc. And yet, only a few people actually get through with it.

Useful Habits: 20 Daily Goals That Lead to Lasting Change (Part 2)

Habits can be powerful tools for change. If you are able to establish habits that positively contribute to your well-being and to your long-term goals, you are virtually setting yourself up for a life of fulfillment and success.

Useful Habits: 20 Daily Goals That Lead to Lasting Change (Part 1)

Did you know that 40% of what you do every day are considered habits? A habit is an action that you do without even thinking about it. Adopting good habits is one of the most useful investments of time and energy. Let's take a look at the most useful habits you can adopt that will bring lasting change in your life.



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